Deciding to have your home re-financed is a great idea especially if the interest rates are low. If done right, you might get a good mortgage that could be beneficial for you for several years. However, there is one obstacle you need to go through first before getting a good mortgage: home appraisal. How can you go work with a Seattle Appraisal Management company and ensure a good appraisal for your home? Below are 5 tips to keep in mind.
Clean Up
A lot of appraisers do not mind going through a place with a few dirty dishes here and a dusty couch there. However, they will have reservations for any place that attracts a horde of flies, rats and cockroaches. An unkempt house tends to devalue the property as it only reflects what the owner is contented in living with. For a very good rate, make sure that you devote a good time on cleaning up and sprucing the place. A major overhaul is not necessary; just sure that the place is clean enough.
Curb Appeal Matters
Apart from the insides, sprucing up the outside will also result in a good rate. Just like with an unkempt living area, an unkempt lawn will also have an effect on the rate that the Seattle appraisal management company is going to give to you. The key here is to give the appraiser the notion that your living conditions are quite good enough in order to give you a good appraisal rate. So, make sure that you can devote enough time to mow the lawn, trim the hedges and remove any eye sore before the date of appraisal arrives.
Effective Age
Appraisal companies are tasked to give any property an effective age, an age that determines how long the place can be of good use based on its build date and the various maintenance and repairs it needs. Keep in mind that a few blemishes and signs of deterioration will not affect your appraisal’s value. However, major structural deficiencies like broken plumbing and ineffective heating systems might. Keep several aspects of the house in working condition or have them repaired regularly. If you can keep your living conditions habitable despite the structure’s age, the appraisal company is willing to give off a good effective age rate which can lead to a good appraisal.
Focus On the Right Investments
It might be tempting to give your place a major overhaul just get to good value. The truth is that making the place look brand new is not necessary. In fact, it goes against the reason why you are having the place appraised in the first place. To maximize your budget, focus on the right places like painting, plumbing, carpet and light fixtures. The rest can be put on hold until you get your mortgage.
Make the Appraiser Comfortable
There have been cases wherein a Seattle Appraisal Management Company has given their clients a less-than-ideal rate since they feel uninvited or threatened during the appraisal. Make every effort to keep the appraiser safe by removing all kinds of threats and accident-prone factors from your home. In essence, putting the appraiser in a condition where they can’t question your living conditions will always lead to a good value.